Bring Your Expedition Vehicle Build To Reality For Less…

Camper Design/Build


Up until now your options have been limited. To get your perfect expedition vehicle, you either had to spend a lot or compromise a lot. Our mission is to bring both cost and compromise down. Camper Composites will bring your build to reality for less.

Together we’ll design the perfect camper for both you and your vehicle. Once the Design is finalized you’ll get a CAD rendering of your truck and Camper. Once the design is engineered and approved by you we go to production. Upon completion we load the camper onto a flatbed and deliver it to your doorstep.


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1) Design

You’ll work directly with one of our team members to design every exterior dimension. We’ll then go to work engineering the design so that it performs up to our standards. You’ll sign off on the final design.

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2) Build

We’ll take that finalized design from step 1 and precision cut your panels. We’ll even send you pictures of the build process along the way. The system comes as a build it yourself kit or as a completed empty shell.

3) Delivery

Your adventure begins! These units show up to your door on a flatbed. Assemble in a weekend. Then build them out exactly how you want and mount them to your truck.

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These small units are designed and built to fit on a light duty or half ton trucks. They can be designed to accept a pop top or be capable of a housing a queen size bed. These units come in under 800 lbs.


Our medium size units are built for 3/4 ton all the way up to 2 ton trucks like the Ford F550 or Ram 5500. These units usually come in under 1200 lbs.

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These larger sized units are suited for either cargo or tactical vehicles up to 5 tons. These units are right at home sitting on a Stewart and Stevenson cargo bed. These units usually come in under 1500 lbs.

Visualizing your truck with a custom camper cabin that you designed is an important step prior to manufacturing. You get the opportunity to see how the truck and camper look together. This helps ensure proper dimensions and can eliminate design flaws. A CAD 3D model will be created to ensure the proportions are functional and work for you.